Marketing is an integral part of the private practice of law.  But where is the line between permissible advertising tactics and impermissible solicitation?  Often it is hard to find guidance to tell you on which side of that line your marketing strategies fall.  The recent ABA Opinion 501 may help. It sets forth several hypotheticals

Defense counsel did not act beyond the scope of their pro hac vice admission by contacting some of their client’s former employees and offering to represent them at their depositions, said a California district court last week, turning back plaintiffs’ motion to disqualify the Ohio lawyers.  In its opinion the court analyzed both pro hac

The ABA is proposing changes to the Model Rules on lawyer advertising, modestly streamlining them and trying to re-establish their relevance to the way lawyers and clients interact in the digital age.  The proposed amendments and their supporting memo fail to make any express adjustment for the elephant in the room — on-line referral services