Social media.5Here are three very recent reminders about what not to do online.  These separate stories involve an Indiana lawyer and two judges:  one state and one federal.  Apparently human nature makes on-line misconduct irresistible to some people, even at the cost of their licenses to practice, and the risk of other professional embarrassment.

Don’t Steele

Law firm signSanctions have long been available under federal statute for “multiply[ing] the proceedings in any case unreasonably and vexatiously.”  Entitled “Counsel’s Liability for Excessive Costs,” 28 U.S.C. § 1927 is a short and seemingly straightforward provision that applies to “[a]ny attorney or other person admitted to conduct cases in any court of the United States…” and

Judge and lawyers in courtHere’s a cautionary tale about the line between vigorous advocacy and obstructionist conduct during discovery, and particularly at depositions.

A federal district court judge has administered an embarrassing bench-slap to a lawyer from a top-tier firm, requiring her to make a video about proper discovery procedures and to provide it to her firm’s litigators.  The